Medicine Woman offers the following services:
Medicine Woman offers a broad range of services that help to relieve a number of health conditions, as well as to prevent illnesses, and promote overall healthy well-being.

One of the ways Scyntiya’ treats her patients is by doing an interview regarding a patient’s lifestyle. Details such as a patient’s home, eating habits, pets, members of the family, and other personal details allow Medicine Woman to have a clearer picture of her patient’s health and overall lifestyle. Using this information, she can create treatment plans and preventative measures for the patient’s overall health. CONTACT ME
Over 5,000 years old, acupuncture is used for an incredible variety of medical purposes ranging from prevention to treatment of disease. Fine sterilized disposable needles are inserted into the skin to stimulate specific points in the body for therapeutic purposes. Heat, moxa, electromagnetic, acupressure, and suction can be applied. It is usually painless and causes a very relaxed feeling. Endorphins are released.
Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure. Treatment stimulates the circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid, releases toxins and deep seated tensions from the muscles, stimulates the hormonal system and immune system, and acts on the autonomic nervous system, allowing the patient to relax deeply and to touch with own healing power.
Only natural products are used such as sea salt, oatmeal, papaya enzymes, ginger, mint, eucalyptus, artemisia flower, olive oil, and pearl cream.
Craniosacral Therapy:
Gentle, noninvasive manipulate techniques; seldom does the therapist apply pressure that exceeds five grams of weight, equivalent to a nickel. It can help the CNS, eliminate negative effects of stress. Useful for migraines, TMJ, and fibromyalgia.
Originated by osteopathic doctor William Sutherland.
Pharmacist and Chemist of Herbal Medicines.
Over 350 herbs are used in over 1000 formulas. Liquid tinctures, custom-made capsules, tablets, pills and ground herbs into concentrated powders are mixed to provide a custom formula for that patient. Some of the formulas were written in tortoise shells over 2000 years ago in Asia. Natives such as Indians or other indigenous people passed it down through spiritual practice to the medicine woman, shaman, or curandera.

Created by German physician Dr. Samual Hahnemann.It is a dilution with water of a substance. “Like with Like.”Homeopathy resemble vaccines in that small dose of the disease against which they protect.
Dr. Rush was the Father of Medicine in the United States..Dr. Rush was the medical director during the Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea expedition.
United States medicine would of had a different approach and foundation if Dr. Hahnemann was the physician for the expedition.Dr. Hahnemann did not believe in bleeding the patient. Homeopathy is still very popular in Europe and the M.D.s’ that I have met while lecturing in Europe use homeopathy along with complimentary medicine.
Ayurvedic Medicine:
Ancient Medicine from India still in practice today. I have some of these medicines in my apothecary. Primary practice are herbs and diet. Two thirds of India in rural are depends on Ayurvedic Medicine. Large leaves are wrapped around the patient during treatment.
Amino Acid, EDTA removes certain chemicals that are toxins in a patients body, such as metals including mercury etc. There are four methods of chelation: oral pills or tincture, suppository, or by IV. IV chelation is usually performed by a naturopath physician.
Laser Acupuncture:
The stimulation of acupuncture points with laser light can evoke specific effects in the periphery and in the brain. Needles are not inserted in the skin; laser light are simply applied to the acupuncture point. This method allows the simultaneous stimulation of individually combined points. This method is painless.
What is Low Laser Therapy or Cold Laser Therapy?
Low Level Laser Therapy is a form of photo therapy or light therapy. This involves the application of low power light (red and near infrared light) to injuries or wounds to improve soft tissue healing and relieve both acute and chronic pain. It is also known as cold laser, soft laser or low intensity laser. Low level laser therapy aims to biostimulate. Because of the low power nature of low level laser therapy the effects are biochemical and not thermal and cannot cause heating and thereby damage to living tissue. The therapy is precise and accurate; and offers safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions. The energy range of low level laser light is between 1 and 500 mW
One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the “separation” that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This enables water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue as well as the elimination of old waste and congestion.
Bioelectric Therapy
Bioelectric therapy is a safe, drug-free treatment option for people in pain. It is used to treat some chronic pain and acute pain conditions. It relieves pain by blocking pain messages to the brain. When you are injured, pain receptors send a message to the central nervous(the brain and spinal cord). The message is registered as pain by certain cells in the body. Using bioelectric currents, bioelectric therapy relieves pain by interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain. Bioelectric therapy also prompts the body to produce endorphins which help to relieve pain.